Accidents can happen, we get it. To protect you, we offer optional Accidental Damage Protection for just $11.95
If you accidentally cause significant damage to a garment you’ve rented, you may be liable for repair or replacement fees, per our T&C, which must be accepted to complete an order on our website.
However, you can protect yourself by taking up the option of Accidental Damage Protection. Simply tick the box at checkout to add it to your order.
This will help you avoid any unexpected large bills that may come because of a simple mishap. The protection covers a maximum of $500 in repairs or replacement fees so that you can hire with us stress-free.
Regardless of the value of the items, we have a maximum price for protection of $11.95, which is why there’s also a maximum for the amount that’s covered by the protection ($500).
Accidental Damage Protection only covers clothing items. This includes: dresses, gowns, sets, skirts, tops, jumpsuits, playsuits, pants, jackets and coats.
Protection isn’t offered for, and doesn’t cover: bags, clutches, headwear, hats, belts or any kind of jewellery.
The protection is for accidental damage only. This primarily includes:
- Bad staining that can’t be remedied by dry-cleaning and/or handwashing and spot cleaning;
- An accidental tear or rip;
The following is excluded:
- Items which are lost or stolen after the time they were delivered to you;
- Returns which are lost in the post / lost in transit, where there is no evidence that the return was posted, in the form of online updates on the return tracking number, or a copy of an Australia Post lodgement receipt (note that if this evidence exists, you won’t be held liable);
- Damage caused deliberately;
- Damage caused by clear recklessness or carelessness;
- Damage caused by not returning part of an item (for example, lost waist ties or detachable sleeves)
Most minor stains, small tears and pulls don’t require any further action. Just return the items using the normal process, and we will take care of these without anything required from the lender.
If you’ve caused significant damage, then please email us as soon as possible at [email protected]
Please take some detailed photos of the item as soon as possible, as these will be requested.
DO NOT attempt to wash, dry-clean, stitch, glue, or perform any other cleaning, repairs or mending on the item. Please just return the item as is, using the supplied prepaid return post satchel or in store. If any pieces have detached (e.g. fabric, jewels, etc.), then they should be included within the return parcel.
We are experienced in mending and cleaning and will have the garment properly assessed before determining whether your protection needs to be utilised.
The protection covers up to a maximum of $500 in repair or replacement fees per order.
If the amount determined for repair or replacement is less than the $500 maximum, then the protection will cover the cost in full and there’ll be nothing more for you to pay. If it’s greater than $500, then you’ll need to pay the difference.
If you’ve taken up the option of Accidental Damage Protection, you’re still expected to take proper precaution and care of the items you’ve rented.
If there is any evidence that the damage caused to an item was in any way deliberate, or that you were extremely careless in causing the damage, the protection will be void and won’t cover repair or replacement fees. An example of intentional damage is any form of alteration to a garment, including stitching, hemming or pinning (even if it is removed prior to return). NO alterations can be made to a garment without express permission from Dressed By Jess. Double-sided tape is the only form of temporary alteration that will be permitted.
If an item has significant damage upon arrival to you, you must let us know as soon as possible, even if you still intend to wear it to your event. Photos of the damage must be taken and emailed to us before you wear the garment.
If you fail to do this, it won’t be clear when or by whom the damage was caused, and it may be assumed that it was caused by you.
Even when an item has been clearly damaged beyond repair, it must still be returned by the return date for your booking.
If you don’t return the item, it will be deemed lost or stolen and Accidental Damage Protection will not apply (see “Exclusions” above).
The return allows us to assess the level of damage. You might be surprised at what’s possible when it comes to stain removal or repairs. A return is also required as proof that you are not just using the protection as a way to keep an item you like, but can’t purchase elsewhere.
Dressed By Jess will refund you the full amount of protection paid if:
- You cancel your order prior to dispatch, in accordance with our cancellation policy;
- Your order can’t be fulfilled for any reason;
- You are entitled to a full refund of your order, for any other reason, per our Rental Agreement and Returns & Refunds policy;
You’ll also be refunded for the Accidental Damage Protection if you are approved for a credit note for returning an item unworn. If your order isn’t eligible for this, or if your Return Request is rejected as it didn’t meet the criteria for a return, you won’t be refunded for the protection.
If you’ve paid for Accidental Damage Protection, you aren’t able to change your mind at a later date. Unless the order is cancelled entirely, the amount paid for protection can’t be refunded.
If you’ve already placed an order but you forgot to add Accidental Damage Protection, we can still add it for you if you pay the appropriate fee. Get in touch with us. We’ll let you know how much it is and ask for your approval to charge your card to add it.
If you have any other questions about our Accidental Damage Protection, please just get in touch!